Zero Trust is the security model that assumes everything is hostile and requires continuous verification of access, devices, and risk. Only approved and trusted users, systems, and applications can access sensitive data. It is also designed to limit a breach’s “blast radius” and reduce the impact of internal or external digital threats. It combines microsegmentation, PAM, and encryption for a practical approach to network security.


Perimeter-based solutions give full network access to anyone with a valid login, opening sensitive data to insider threats and compromised accounts. Zero trust networks protect against this threat by assessing and granting access to internal apps on a need-to-know basis after verifying the user’s identity and device posture. In addition, these systems should monitor for new or unusual behavior patterns to quickly identify and prevent breaches. They should also apply the principle of least privilege to all users and devices, restricting their ability to access data that isn’t required for their job function. They should also use micro-segmentation to limit the impact if an attacker breaches a single device or account. ZTNA uses a software-defined perimeter (SDP) to provide secure connectivity to applications based on authenticated identity and continuous validation. The approach is designed for the modern mobile workplace and eliminates the need to deploy and manage VPN appliances. It also helps organizations minimize security risks by bypassing the traditional perimeter, which has been proven to be a weak point for attackers. An effective zero-trust solution must have unrivaled visibility, real-time data, and threat protection to ensure that users can only access the applications they need to do their jobs. 

Access Control

Access control is an important network security component that limits user access to applications and data. It is usually based on real-time evaluation of a user’s behavior, time between requests, and the content of those requests. This helps reduce lateral movement by preventing an attacker who has already gained entry into a network from being able to move throughout the network without detection. Zero trust solutions offer granular visibility and reporting on all applications and data access, enabling organizations to identify security risks quickly. In addition, a solution with a continuous authentication process ensures that users’ permissions are continually assessed. This helps protect against a significant cause of data breaches: unauthorized network access by malicious insiders or compromised account passwords. Finally, a ZTNA solution can help rapidly onboard remote and hybrid employees, third parties, and BYOD devices. This significantly improves over traditional firewalls and VPNs requiring lengthy and complex onboarding processes. Adding Zero Trust architecture to your existing infrastructure is simple with the right technology partner. Look for a solution that supports networking services integration with ZTNA, such as Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). This platform hosts networking and cybersecurity services, including Zero Trust access, in a single virtual appliance to maximize performance and security.

Security Monitoring

A Zero Trust solution uses advanced monitoring and analytics to continuously verify the identity of all users, devices, and apps in your network. This ensures access is based on the principle of least privilege, which allows only the necessary functions to be executed and blocks unauthorized access attempts. In addition, a ZTNA system enables you to monitor all internal traffic and external end-user behavior from a centralized dashboard. This gives you visibility into everything happening in your network and helps identify potential threats. This heightened visibility lets you easily adjust security policies and quickly reshape how new devices, resources, and apps connect to your organization. With remote workforces and increasing use of Cloud resources, Zero Trust has become a necessary security architecture for businesses. It eliminates the need for VPNs and firewalls by allowing users to securely access corporate applications over the Internet with only their identity verified. This is a much more effective security approach than traditional methods that can leave your business vulnerable to cyber attacks. Studies have shown that Zero Trust companies experience fewer data breaches and lower mitigation costs.


The Zero Trust security model assumes all traffic, devices, and users are hostile until verified as legitimate. This means that logins must be constantly re-verified and connections time out to prevent attackers from establishing a persistent presence on the network. The Zero Trust approach also focuses on giving users only the access they need to perform their job duties. Think of it like an army general granting soldiers information on a need-to-know basis to minimize the damage they could do to the organization if their account is compromised. Another critical component of Zero Trust is continuous monitoring to quickly detect and respond to threats. This is accomplished by applying network segmentation through micro-segmentation, which creates secure zones within the network. This helps keep a breach contained to one zone rather than spreading to other areas of the network, as attackers are often successful. Many organizations are shifting to Zero Trust approaches due to innovations that have made traditional network perimeters obsolete. For example, companies must secure remote workers who need access to Cloud applications or manage workloads across multiple data centers and public clouds. Zero Trust solutions such as Software Defined Perimeter and micro-segmentation allow these workloads to move across locations while ensuring security follows the user based on identity, context, and risk. With centralized policy management, IT teams can add Zero Trust to existing infrastructure without making fundamental changes to the architecture.
